Study For Free: Introduction to
neuroscience in early years course

We’re delighted to announce that the Kids Planet Training Academy has secured access to a number of distance learning courses that are funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and/or the European Social Fund. This means that our staff members, volunteers and associates can enrol on a range of courses free of charge (subject to meeting the funding eligibility criteria at the bottom of this page) and gain a nationally accredited NCFE CACHE qualification upon successful completion. Funding is routed through various FE colleges and independent training providers, and we are working with them and the publishers of the learning resources Hallmark Education, to help our people to access the courses.
Kids Planet Logo

One such example is our new brand new course – the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Award in an Introduction to Neuroscience in Early Years.

This important and thought-provoking course combines two highly topical themes within child development and early years provision – neuroscience and self-regulation.

Neuroscience is an exciting field of research that has huge significance to anyone who supports babies or young children. This course is designed to give learners a gentle introduction to the subject, and to share with them some of the remarkable insights it has given us in terms of how the infant brain develops, and how this is affected by a range of external influences.

For example, advances in technology mean we can now see the damaging effects that stress, trauma and a lack of adult care and affection can have on the developing structures of the brain and how these can detrimentally affect learning and behaviour. Conversely, we can also see the powerful and positive effects of affectionate and responsive caregiver relationships and of nurturing care environments.

Neuroscience Book Cover

The course also explores the topic of self-regulation in early years. These are a critical set of skills that help children to remain calm, attentive and able to deal with powerful emotions such as fear, anger and sadness. Children are not born with these skills; they develop them over time when they are supported to understand their feelings and actions by caring and responsive adults. This is one of the reasons why, for the first time, self-regulation has been included as an early learning goal in the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework.

As well as explaining the theory behind the science, this course will provide learners with practical advice in terms of how to promote healthy brain development in the critical first seven years of life, and how they can support children to develop those vital self-regulation skills.

Key features of the programme:

Funding eligibility criteria:


To register your interest, please fill out the form below and one of our enrolment advisers will get in touch to provide you with information, advice and guidance.

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    To contact us for more information, please click here

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